====== Brutal WOD's ====== Source: http://theathleticbuild.com/category/workouts/crossfit-workouts/ ===== Kalsu ===== Every minute on the minute 5 burpees the remaining time Thrusters 61.2/38.6 kg Goal is to hit 100 total thrusters for time. ===== Bull ===== Two rounds for time of: 200 Double-unders 50 Overhead squat 61.2 kg 50 Pull-ups 1.6 km run ===== Roy ===== 5 rounds for time of: 15 Deadlift 100kg 20 Box Jumps, 60 cm box 25 Pull-Ups ===== McGhee ===== AMRAP 30 mins 5 Deadlift 125kg 13 Push-ups 9 Box Jumps, 60 cm box ===== The Seven ===== Seven rounds for time of: 7 Handstand Pushups 7 Thrusters 61.2/38.6 kg 7 Knees to Elbows 7 Deadlifts 111/75 kg 7 Burpees 7 KB Swings 32/24 kg 7 Pullups